Useful demo/reference Spring based projects - Vol. 2

This is a second blog post in a series of posts which will highlight useful demo/reference Spring based projects. To check Vol. 1 go to cool demo projects from #SpringOne2GX 2014.

  1. spring-boot-graph-processing-example

  2. PiggyMetrics

  3. spring-boot-netflix-example

  4. spring-angular2-starter

  5. rxjava-spring-boot-starter

  6. spring-boot-keycloak-server-example

  7. spring-boot-docker


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Cool demo projects from #SpringOne2GX 2014

Want to learn Spring by example? Use the source, Luke! This is a list of the coolest example/demo projects that can be found at the SpringOne2GX conference Github space. For each project there’s a related presentation as well. Rective... Continue →